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Sustainability in Cold Shipping

With climate change and sustainability being a hot-button topic for consumers, Many businesses are looking for ways to make their processes as environmentally sustainable as possible. The process of shipping can be one of the most wasteful parts of a business, but it doesn’t have to be. In the last decade, sustainable shipping products have […]

What is Reverse Logistics?

reverse logistics

Reverse logistics is all about sending products from the customer back to the retailer or manufacturer. Many people think reverse logistics only applies to returns, but it also applies to recycling, reclaiming raw materials, refurbishment, and reselling items that have been restocked. Reverse logistics is a vital part of any supply chain, and it stands […]

The Rise of Meal Kits

rise of meal kits

The premise of a recurring delivery service is nothing new. One of the earliest delivery services was founded in 1917 as a meat company that quickly began to take mail orders and offer home delivery by 1952. This graduated to monthly description boxes for niche products, such as fashion and wellness, healthy snacks, and dog […]

Importance of Refrigerated Trucks

Refrigerated Trucks

Did you know that almost 50 million people get sick from food-borne illnesses every year? Roughly a hundred thousand of these people will also die from these illnesses, making food safety a constant priority. One of the major ways we keep food safe during transit is by using refrigerated trucks. We rely on these trucks […]

Can I Ship Cold Pack with USPS?

cold pack usps

         More than ever, in the wake of a pandemic, people have been sending items and care packages to loved ones. This has brought with it a question. Many people are wondering if it is possible to ship cold packed items through the United States Postal Service. The answer is yes, though you will need […]

Shipping Sustainability

shipping sustainability

Shipping Sustainability          Sustainable shipping is a big topic, one that is growing more important as environmental impact issues become more widely addressed around the world. In many shipping industries, there is a long history of using dirty or non-sustainable fuel. This practice, while successful, is not sustainable for future generations. Especially with the problem […]

The History of Cold Shipping

history of cold shipping

The History of Cold Shipping          Cold shipping is required to ship numerous items around the nation (and the world). Cold shipping can be difficult. Indeed, shipping things across the country already presents its own challenges, and that’s before adding in the problem of temperature regulation. There are a lot of rules that require following […]

How are Meal Kits Shipped?

meal kits

How are Meal Kits Shipped?          Meal kits are becoming increasingly popular across the United States. They represent a service that is easy to indulge in and which makes life easier. The issue, of course, is that food can spoil and go bad if it is not properly shipped. With meal kits on the rise, […]

Where to Buy Cold Packs for Shipping?

Pre-test cotton mailer

The method in which to ship perishable goods all depends on how cold they need to be. For example, if you are shipping frozen goods, an insulated cooler or dry ice may be ideal. However, if you are shipping something that only needs to stay chilled, or around 32°F, then cold packs may be the […]

How to Ship Cold Items

shipping cold items

Whether you want to ship a loved one frozen meals or considering starting a business that requires shipping temperature-sensitive products, shipping perishable items can be a process. For many people, the idea of shipping food brings up the image of wet boxes, smashed cupcakes, or rotten meat. However, shipping cold items is no longer so […]